Dual Blades

Dual-Blades Sideview.png
Weapon Quote
“Close-range melee weapon that allows for quick successive strikes; can also be used in a defensive stance to block incoming bullets and deflect them back while the attacker is within line of sight”
PriceVRicon.png 800
Body50×2 → 60×2 → 65
Alt-FireDeflect: 100% to enemy, 10% (30% glancing) to you.

The Dual Blades are a Medium class melee weapon designed to either deal contact damage or to use its unique ability to ricochet incoming fire in its defensive stance, which also reduces damage taken.

Mov m dualblades.gif


The Dual Blades can be selected as the weapon of any Medium build loadout.

The attack trigger can be used to slash opponents in front of the user to damage them. The trigger must be released before attacking again. The first two attacks will perform a burst of two consecutive slashes each, and the third attack will do a cross strike for additional damage.

The secondary attack trigger can be held down to enter a defensive stance, which can be held for any duration but stops the user from sprinting. During this stance, any incoming bullets or other small projectiles will have their damage to the user greatly reduced if the user is facing in their general direction. Any incoming melee damage is also reduced if the user is facing in the direction of the attacking opponent.

Projectiles that were caught in the defensive stance will be reflected to deal their full damage back to opponents. To control the direction of the reflected projectiles, the user must aim their crosshairs directly at an opponent. The accuracy of these reflected projectiles depends on the accuracy with which they were fired at the user. For example, a reflected bullet from the SR-84 will be very accurate, but a reflected pellet from the SH1900 will not be.

Controls PC PS XBox Key
Equip Dual Blades
Attack (Tap)
Primary fire
Defensive stance (Hold)
Secondary fire


Damage Profile

  • The first attack of the combo slashes twice and deals 50 damage per slash. The second attack slashes twice and deals 60 damage per slash. The last attack slashes once and deals 70 damage.
  • The damage a reflected projectile deals is equal to 100% of the original ranged attack, not counting whether the original attack was a critical hit. Additionally, the reflected projectile cannot critically hit on headshots.



FeatIcon Melee.png Melee — Strikes targets close to the contestant. Can attack forever without reloading.

FeatIcon Single Fire.png Single Fire — Attacks once when the trigger is used. The trigger must be released before attacking again, though the next attack can be buffered.

FeatIcon Automatic Fire.png Automatic Fire — Continues to fire automatically until the trigger is released.

FeatIcon Attack Sequence.png Attack Sequence — Has a consistent pattern of attacks.

FeatIcon Alternate Attack.png Alternate Attack — Has an alternate attack that can be held to maintain a defensive stance.


FeatIcon Blocking.png Blocking — Absorbs part of the damage from enemy attacks and deflects ranged attacks, but does not block explosive damage.

FeatIcon Minor Structure Damage.png Minor Structure Damage — Damages structures. Takes a very long time to break a concrete wall.

FeatIcon Critical Hit.png No Critical Hit — Does not critically hit for increased damage, even if the target was struck on the head.



  • The Dual Blades are very strong in close-quarters combat.
  • The Dual Blades' defensive stance can be used while moving towards ann opponent to close the gap.
  • The Dual Blades' defensive stance offers a significant damage reduction against melee attacks.


  • The Dual Blades' defensive stance is easily countered if the user is attacked by multiple opponents that are not attacking from the same direction.
    • If a Dual Blades user is blocking and walking up to an opponent in one direction, another opponent can assist by going around the Dual Blades user and attacking them from behind.
  • Explosions and fire are not blocked by the defensive stance.


  • To approach an opponent with a ranged weapon, a Dual Blades user can walk up to them while using the defensive stance similarly to the Riot Shield. Once close enough and they stop firing to run away or to reload, the user should switch to the melee attack to deal heavy damage and move quickly.
  • When facing an SR-84, if the user aims their crosshairs at the sniper rifle user perfectly and deflects a bullet, it is very likely to hit them, dealing full damage.


  • While blocking, incoming fire in front of the user has its damage reduced. More specifically, the vector from the user to the attacker needs to be anywhere between codirectional (0°) and orthogonal (-90° or 90°) to the facing direction of the target.
  • If an attack is successfully blocked, it is reduced by 80% if it is a ranged attack, or reduced by 66% if it is a melee attack.
    • For example, an overhead swing from the Sledgehammer typically deals 200 damage, but will only deal 66 damage to a contestant using the Dual Blade's defensive stance.
  • The Dual Blades cannot block the following: RPG, grenade launchers (CL-40 and MGL32), grenades, thrown objects (including canisters), mines, fire/flames, Winch Claw, cannonballs, Orbital Lasers, Meteor Showers, Alien Invasion/Retro Invasion 82.


  • If a ranged attack is blocked, it will be reflected. The reflected projectile always looks and acts the same, meaning that a reflected Throwing Knife will not be affected by gravity. However, the damage a reflected projectile deals depends on the damage of the projectile that was blocked.

Hit Registration

  • The reflected projectile uses a hitscan, meaning there is no bullet drop and the first target, structure, object or shield in the path of the projectile is struck. The hit registration occurs the moment the reflection occurs. A tracer animation travels from the user to the hit location, then its effects are applied.
  • The reflect is calculated and confirmed entirely server-side. This interaction differs from other weapons in the game, which use a combination of client and server hit registration (with most weapons the hit location is accurate to the client and is registered/timed on the server). This information is relevant to Dual Blades users with high ping, who may may at times have to aim ahead of a moving target to block their shots.

Item Mastery

Item mastery XP can be earned by damaging and eliminating opponents with the Dual Blades.

Each time a certain XP threshold is reached, the item levels up. This does not improve the item, but rewards a unique item customization.

XP Breakdown
Source XP Reward
Damage dealt by the Dual Blades 0.2 × Damage Dealt
Opponent eliminated by the Dual Blades 50
Assist on an opponent damaged by the Dual Blades 20
Level 1
Dual Blades Rank 1.png
0 XP
Dual Blades
Level 2
Dual Blades Rank 2.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Yellow)
Level 3
Dual Blades Rank 3.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Blue)
Level 4
Dual Blades Rank 4.png
36,000 XP
Dye Job (Red)
Level 5
Dual Blades Rank 5.png
54,000 XP
Dye Job (White)
Level 6
Dual Blades Rank 6.png
162,000 XP
Triangle Twinkle
Level 7
Dual Blades Rank 7.png
144,000 XP
Striped Grazer
Level 8
Dual Blades Rank 8.png
136,000 XP
Painted Predator
Level 9
Dual Blades Rank 9.png
200,000 XP

Weapon Skins


Dual Blades Deflect vs EVERYTHING - Jinko


  • Basic attack
    • Increased the speed and duration of the lunge for each attack animation, making it easier to reach targets that are just out of range
  • Deflect
    • Decreased the dispersion angle of deflected bullets from 2.5 to 1, meaning deflected bullets are now more accurate
    • Decreased the damage modifier for direct hits from enemy bullets from 0.2 to 0.1, meaning players will now take less damage when deflecting hits at the center of the Blades' deflection angle
    • Decreased the damage modifier for glancing hits from enemy bullets from 0.4 to 0.3, meaning players will now take less damage when deflecting hits at the edge of the Blades’ deflection angle
    • Increased deflection angle from 25 degrees to 35 degrees, making it easier to block and deflect bullets
    • Decreased incoming melee damage modifier from 0.33 to 0.25, meaning players will take less damage from melee attacks when trying to deflect
  • Dual blades introduced into the game
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