Game show events are triggered partway through each round and last for two minutes. These affect the gameplay experience, so contestants need to be flexible and ready to adapt. Game show events are disabled in Ranked Tournaments.
Meteor Shower
Meteors fall near cashout stations.
Meteors fall from the sky, destroying structures and damaging contestants. Meteor impacts also engulf the area in flame. If there is more than one active Cashout Station, meteors will always fall at only one. If there is no active Cashout Station, they will fall at a random, inactive one. In Power Shift, the meteors will fall around the platform.
Take cover indoors to avoid taking damage from the impacts. When attacking a Cashout Station, take advantage of the destruction and chaos to gain the upper hand.
Low Gravity
Experience longer hang time in the air.
Low Gravity reduces gravity in the arena and affects contestants, objects, debris, and projectiles.
Death Match
Earn extra cash when you eliminate opponents.
Earn $1000 per elimination instead of $500. This game show event only affects Cashout Tournament modes.
If a contestant's team is on the verge of being knocked out of a round, this event may help them close the gap and qualify. Teams who need to earn more cash should play aggressively and eliminate as many opponents as possible while this event is active.
Mega Damage
Damage to the arena is magnified.
All damage to structures is multiplied, allowing for easier destruction.
This event allows contestants who cannot normally utilize destruction effects to wreak havoc in the arena.
Orbital Lasers
Lasers take aim at contestants who aren’t moving.
Orbital lasers target contestants who don't move for one second or longer. They deal 99 damage to contestants and cannot be blocked by shields. Contestants who are using an interactable are excluded from the laser's targeting. When a laser targets a contestant, a bright line will extend vertically from their position, and a small circle will show where the laser will impact.
When attacking a Cashout Station on high ground, contestants can stand below the cashout and let the Orbital Laser destroy the structure above them.
Alien Invasion
UFOs hover over objectives and shoot toward the ground.
Introduced in Season 1. UFOs tear the arena apart with tractor beams and lasers. The lasers deal no damage to contestants. Tractor beams cause objects and debris to float upwards.
When attacking a Cashout Station, take advantage of the destruction to gain the upper hand.
Retro Invasion 82
Aliens target contestants from above.
Introduced in Season 2. Rows of retro aliens slowly move over the arena, shooting down lasers that damage contestants and destroy structures. Similar to Orbital Lasers, a small circle is shown where the laser will impact.
Take cover indoors to avoid taking damage from the impacts. When attacking a cashout station, take advantage of the destruction and chaos to gain the upper hand.
The Dead Go Boom
When eliminated, you explode.
Contestants' revive statues emit an explosion after a 3 second delay. The explosion deals 100 damage to any contestant in range. According to June, the device that causes the explosion is hidden in each contestant's left pinky finger.
This game show event has been disabled and will be reworked in a future patch.
Molten Madness
Lava rises on the arena floor.
Revealed in Open Beta press release notes, but has yet to be implemented.