Ospuze is an energy drink brand led by CEO Sofia Petronelle. It was a key sponsor for Season 0 and Season 2, recognized for its signature yellow color and sugar-free energy drink, "Pro Juice."

Ospuze's slogans include “let it breathe,” “Pop. Pour. Perform.,” and “WHO. NEEDS. WATER.”

Ospuze also has its own Website

The Open Beta, Season 2 and Season 4 Battle Passes were sponsored by OSPUZE.
OSPUZE Logo.svg

Related Items

Below is a list of items that mention or feature the logo or symbol of OSPUZE.
If any items are missing, please report them in the #the-finals-wiki channel on Discord

Image Name Rarity Description
Epic OSPUZE OB-STRUCTOR Outfit.png OSPUZE OB-STRUCTOR EPIC A limited-edition outfit from CEO Sofia Petronelle for our OB contestants.
Epic OSPUZE SMASHQUAKER.png OSPUZE SMASHQUAKER EPIC Satisfy your thirst for domination. Suit up, grab a can of Ospuze Pro Juice, and roll hard!
Epic SPLATTER BLITZ-Outfit.png SPLATTER BLITZ EPIC Suit up, lock in, and let your paint do the talking.
Rare OSPUZE FLEET SET.png OSPUZE FLEET SET RARE A starter set for contestants, thanks to our generous sponsor OSPUZE.
Rare OSPUZE FORTIFY SET-Outfit.png OSPUZE FORTIFY SET RARE A starter set for contestants, thanks to our generous sponsor OSPUZE.
Rare OSPUZE SUPPORT SET-Outfit.png OSPUZE SUPPORT SET RARE A starter set for contestants, thanks to our generous sponsor OSPUZE.

Image Name Rarity Description
Epic RINK WRECKER HELMET.png RINK WRECKER HELMET EPIC Once you get rolling, there's no stopping the momentum.
Epic TACTICAL-COMMS HELMET-Headwear.png TACTICAL-COMMS HELMET EPIC Communication is key in the arena...and in fashion statements.
Epic ATHLETIC HAT.png ATHLETIC HAT EPIC An on-field look for the arena.
Epic OSPUZE SPARKLING HELMET.png OSPUZE SPARKLING HELMET EPIC For contestants who like to keep their thoughts fresh and their strategy fizzing.
Epic SMOKEJUMPER HELMET.png SMOKEJUMPER HELMET EPIC For contestants who fearlessly charge into the blaze without hesitation.
Epic DUSKVANE HELMET.png DUSKVANE HELMET EPIC Be a specter your opponents won't see coming.
Epic BASEBALL HELMET.png BASEBALL HELMET EPIC Stay protected, whether you're rounding bases or dodging projectiles in the arena.
Rare SPLATTER BLITZ CAP.png SPLATTER BLITZ CAP RARE Look like a pro, even when the paint flies.
Rare OSPUZE HEADSET.png OSPUZE HEADSET RARE Ideal for work at heights and on the ground. Or in rubble.
Rare OSPUZE COMMS HAT.png OSPUZE COMMS HAT RARE An on-field look for the arena.
Rare BLIZZARD MASK.png BLIZZARD MASK RARE In case you are expecting a heavy flurry of activity in the arena.
Common OSPUZE ATHLETIC HAT.png OSPUZE ATHLETIC HAT COMMON An on-field look for the arena.

Image Name Rarity Description
Epic ANTI-SPLATTER SHIELD.png ANTI-SPLATTER SHIELD EPIC Look like a pro, even when the paint flies.
Rare RUNNING GLASSES-Circuit.png RUNNING GLASSES RARE Light-weight and an excellent fit for fast-paced adventures.
Rare OSPUZE PREMIERE SPECS.png OSPUZE PREMIERE SPECS RARE Stay cool with OSPUZE Pro Juice and look cool with these shades.

Image Name Rarity Description
Epic OSPUZE INKED DEAL.png OSPUZE INKED DEAL EPIC Sign your contract with CEO Sofia Petronelle in ink.

Image Name Rarity Description
Epic SPLATTER BLITZ SHIRT.png SPLATTER BLITZ SHIRT EPIC Look like a pro, even when the paint flies.
Epic RINK WRECKER TOP.png RINK WRECKER TOP EPIC Once you get rolling, there's no stopping the momentum.
Epic JUMPSTART JACKET.png JUMPSTART JACKET EPIC For contestants who plan to jumpstart the action in the arena.
Epic BOUT BLANKET-Neutral.png BOUT BLANKET EPIC Every champion's dramatic-entry essential.
Epic FLAK VEST.png FLAK VEST EPIC Fashionable but not bulletproof, so it's a style choice for risk-takers.
Epic CLOSED BETA CASUAL-Upper Body.png CLOSED BETA CASUAL EPIC A limited-edition outfit. Lifelong bragging rights.
Epic RELIC ROAMER TOP.png RELIC ROAMER TOP EPIC Dress to impress and push your opponents' buttons with this look.
Epic OSPUZE ENERGIZED.png OSPUZE ENERGIZED EPIC Like a chilled can of Pro Juice on a hot day, this vest keeps you refreshed and ready to react in any situation.
Epic DUSKVANE JACKET.png DUSKVANE JACKET EPIC Turn into the specter your opponents dread seeing.
Epic BASEBALL JERSEY.png BASEBALL JERSEY EPIC Pitch perfect for the arena.
Rare TANK & ARM WARMERS CB2.png TANK & ARM WARMERS RARE When you're not sure whether the arena will be warm or cool, why not come prepared?
Rare KANGAROO HOODIE CB2.png KANGAROO HOODIE RARE The pouch will not provide much protection against destruction in the arena.
Rare HARNESSED JACKET-OSPUZE.png HARNESSED JACKET RARE When it's impossible to contain your enthusiasm.
Rare OSPUZE TACTICAL VEST.png OSPUZE TACTICAL VEST RARE For contestants who command attention, both in strategy and style.
Rare SPOTLIGHTER GARB.png SPOTLIGHTER GARB RARE For contestants who command attention, both in strategy and style.
Common BASIC TANK.png BASIC TANK COMMON For contestants who believe that, sometimes, less is more.

Image Name Rarity Description
Rare OSPUZE SLING BAG.png OSPUZE SLING BAG RARE Taking the sophistication of bandoliers to the next level. So much concealment.

Image Name Rarity Description
Epic OSPUZE SIDEARM.png OSPUZE SIDEARM EPIC An extremely menacing brooch.
Rare OSPUZE PHONE CASE.png OSPUZE PHONE CASE RARE A great accessory, if it was 2022.
Rare PRO JUICE PENDANT.png PRO JUICE PENDANT RARE Pop it on, pour in the power, and perform like never before!
Image Name Rarity Description
Epic DARKSLIDE BOARD.png DARKSLIDE BOARD EPIC Put your weight on your back foot.

Image Name Rarity Description
Epic SKATE STORMER.png SKATE STORMER EPIC Lace up, roll out, and bring the quake
Epic BUCCANEER CANTEEN.png BUCCANEER CANTEEN EPIC Command respect from the shores of the meatspace to the spotlights of the arena.
Rare OSPUZE OB SIX PACK.png OSPUZE OB SIX PACK RARE A limited-edition six pack from CEO Sofia Petronelle for our OB contestants.
Rare OSPUZE SATCHEL.png OSPUZE SATCHEL RARE Surprise other contestants with what you carry in this bag of tricks.
Rare OSPUZE COMMS HELMET.png OSPUZE COMMS HELMET RARE Communication is key in the arena...and in fashion statements.

Image Name Rarity Description
Rare OSPUZE GRIP.png OSPUZE GRIP RARE OSPUZE CEO Sofia Petronelle's got your wrist - and your back.
Image Name Rarity Description
Epic RINK WRECKER GUARDS.png RINK WRECKER GUARDS EPIC Once you get rolling, there's no stopping the momentum.
Rare SPIRAL THROWERS.png SPIRAL THROWERS RARE For contestants looking to rack up some passing yards.
Rare OSPUZE MULTI-GLOVES.png OSPUZE MULTI-GLOVES RARE Ideal for fanning flames, destroying buildings, and catching cash boxes.

Image Name Rarity Description
Epic SPLATTER BLITZ PANTS.png SPLATTER BLITZ PANTS EPIC Look like a pro, even when the paint flies.
Epic RINK WRECKER SHORTS.png RINK WRECKER SHORTS EPIC Once you get rolling, there's no stopping the momentum.
Epic BOXING SHORTS-Neutral.png BOXING SHORTS EPIC For contestants who pack a punch and look dashing doing it.
Epic GUN-RUNNER PANTS.png GUN-RUNNER PANTS EPIC Perfect for a walk in the park or a running gun battle in the arena.
Epic CLOSED BETA CHIC-Lower Body.png CLOSED BETA CHIC EPIC Limited-edition attire. Lifelong bragging rights.
Epic RELIC ROAMER PANTS.png RELIC ROAMER PANTS EPIC Perfect for sprinting through the arena or vaulting over ancient ruins.
Epic BASEBALL PANTS.png BASEBALL PANTS EPIC For contestants who are ready to hit the cycle.
Rare OSPUZE TAPERED CARGOS.png OSPUZE TAPERED CARGOS RARE A rare combination of form-fitting style and storage options.
Rare OSPUZE TAPERED CARGOS-Black.png OSPUZE TAPERED CARGOS RARE A rare combination of form-fitting style and storage options.
Rare OSPUZE ON-DUTY PANTS.png OSPUZE ON-DUTY PANTS RARE Pop into the arena, pour out some love to the fans, and perform to get the attention of our sponsors.

Image Name Rarity Description
Rare RINK WRECKER SNEAKS.png RINK WRECKER SNEAKS RARE Once you get rolling, there's no stopping the momentum.
Rare LOW SNEAKERS-Splatter.png LOW SNEAKERS RARE Casual wear for when you want to make winning look easy.
Rare OSPUZE COMBAT BOOTS.png OSPUZE COMBAT BOOTS RARE Not suitable for parades, but very suitable for the arena. Great ankle support too.
Rare OSPUZE WEDGE TRAINERS.png OSPUZE WEDGE TRAINERS RARE Sometimes it helps to have a little extra sole in the arena.
Common OSPUZE SLIP-ONS.png OSPUZE SLIP-ONS COMMON Apparently, there is such a thing as the perfect running shoe.

Image Name Rarity Description
Legendary OSPUZE OUTBURST.png CARBONATED COPY LEGENDARY Let your opponents know that you're the Top Pop- Pour-Performer.
Legendary SHARPSHOOTER.png SHARPSHOOTER LEGENDARY Remind your opponents that you never miss your mark.
Epic SPILL PROOF.png SPILL PROOF EPIC Remember to keep a steady grip on your beverage can.
Epic TAKE THE CALL.png TAKE THE CALL EPIC Some contestants just get a lot of promotional offers from our sponsors.
Image Name Rarity Description
Legendary CARBONATED COPY.png CARBONATED COPY LEGENDARY Let your opponents know that you're the Top Pop- Pour-Performer.
Rare OSPUZE BILLBOARD.png OSPUZE BILLBOARD RARE Brought to you by one of our generous sponsors.
Rare OSPUZE NAMA TAMA.png OSPUZE NAMA TAMA RARE For Nama Tama, happiness is only an OSPUZE Pro Juice away.

Image Name Rarity Description
Legendary OSPUZE TIME IS GOLD.png OSPUZE TIME IS GOLD LEGENDARY For contestants who always pop up on time in the arena.

Image Name Rarity Description
Rare OSPUZE QUENCH.png OSPUZE QUENCH RARE When you need a little boost, reach for OSPUZE. Let it breathe.
Rare OSPUZE PRO JUICE.png OSPUZE PRO JUICE RARE For contestants who plan to aim higher and shoot faster.
Rare TAKE A BIG SWING.png TAKE A BIG SWING RARE When it's time to knock one out of the virtual park!
Rare OSPUZE PULL TAB.png OSPUZE PULL TAB RARE For contestants who pop the lid off conventional tactics.
Rare PRO JUICE PANCAKE.png PRO JUICE PANCAKE RARE The rush doesn't stop when the Pro Juice can's empty-it's just getting started!

Image Name Rarity Description
Epic OSPUZE BOLD.png OCTOPUZE EPIC OSPUZE CEO Sofia Petronelle wants you to be bold and leave your mark.
Rare OCTOPUZE.png OSPUZE TEN-GALLON RARE When eight arms aren't enough, fuel up with a sip of OSPUZE.
Rare OSPUZE TEN-GALLON.png OSPUZE TEN-GALLON RARE You can't drink ten gallons of OSPUZE Pro Juice at once. But if you could, you would.
Rare BOBTAIL BANDIT.png BOBTAIL BANDIT RARE Speaking meta-fur-kitty, this could steal the show.
Rare POP.POUR.PERFORM.png POP. POUR. PERFORM. RARE For contestants who live up to OSPUZE's slogan.

Image Name Rarity Type Description
Legendary EXHIBITION GRADE-AKM.png EXHIBITION GRADE LEGENDARY AKM Every hunt for treasure has its hazards.
Legendary EXHIBITION GRADE-.50 Akimbo.png EXHIBITION GRADE LEGENDARY .50 AKIMBO Every hunt for treasure has its hazards.
Legendary OSPUZE RECYCLED-R.357.png OSPUZE RECYCLED LEGENDARY R.357 Turn yesterday's OSPUZE Pro Juice into today's new poppin' look!
Legendary OSPUZE POURIN'-AKM.png OSPUZE POURIN' LEGENDARY AKM Show our sponsor OSPUZE that you're ready to pour on the chaos with this skin.
Legendary OSPUZE POPPIN'-M11.png OSPUZE POPPIN' LEGENDARY M11 Let our fans and OSPUZE CEO Sofia Petronelle know that you're ready to take your performance to the next level.
Legendary OSPUZE HYDRATION-M11.png OSPUZE HYDRATION LEGENDARY M11 Embrace the OSPUZE way, where every performance is a giant step toward fame.
Legendary PERFORM MIRACLES-LH1.png PERFORM MIRACLES LEGENDARY LH1 With OSPUZE, nothing is impossible. Pop. Pour. Perform.
Epic EMBER CRUSH-Sledgehammer.png EMBER CRUSH EPIC SLEDGEHAMMER For contestants who smash through obstacles like they're made of kindling.
Epic CLOSED BETA ACTION-MGL32.png CLOSED BETA ACTION EPIC MGL32 A limited-edition skin. Lifelong bragging rights.
Epic CLOSED BETA ACTION-M1887.png CLOSED BETA ACTION EPIC MODEL 1887 A limited-edition skin. Lifelong bragging rights.
Epic CB2 AURA-AKM.png CB2 AURA EPIC AKM A limited-edition skin. Lifelong bragging rights.
Epic CLOSED BETA ACTION-V9S.png CLOSED BETA ACTION EPIC V9S A limited-edition skin. Lifelong bragging rights.
Rare OSPUZE OPENER-Sledgehammer.png OSPUZE OPENER RARE SLEDGEHAMMER For contestants starting their career at THE FINALS.
Rare OSPUZE OPENER-AKM.png OSPUZE OPENER RARE AKM For contestants starting their career at THE FINALS.
Legendary OSPUZE GOLD POP-M11.png OSPUZE OPENER RARE M11 For contestants starting their career at THE FINALS.
Rare OSPUZE OPENER-M11.png OSPUZE OPENER RARE M11 For contestants starting their career at THE FINALS.

Image Name Rarity Type Description
Legendary SOFIA'S SPECIAL.png SOFIA'S SPECIAL LEGENDARY FRAG GRENADE Embrace the OSPUZE way, where every pop of a Pro Juice can is the sound of strategy unfolding.
Legendary OSPUZE SPINNER.png OSPUZE SPINNER LEGENDARY FRAG GRENADE Pop it high, pour on the power, and knock it out of the park.

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