Throwing Knives

ThrowingKnives Sideview.png
Weapon Quote
“A set of silent projectiles that can be thrown in short bursts; can also be thrown in pairs”
PriceVRicon.png 1,000
Alt-Fire Body140
Alt-Fire Head210
RPM545.45, 27.7

The Throwing Knives are a Light class thrown weapon designed to take down opponents at close distances while using their fixed accuracy to outmaneuver them.


The Throwing Knives can be selected as the weapon of any Light build loadout.

The attack trigger can be used to fire two knives in quick succession that damage opponents, also dealing additional damage on headshots. The trigger can be held down to continuously fire pairs of knives. The accuracy of the Throwing Knives remains completely stable even during intense movement.

The secondary attack trigger can be used to enter a trick shot animation, which will throw out a single, more powerful version of the projectile when it completes.

The weapon has infinite ammunition and does not need to reload.

Controls PC PS XBox Key
Equip Throwing Knives
Fire shot (Tap)
Continuous fire (Hold)
Primary fire
Fire trick shot (Tap)
Secondary fire


Damage Profile

Build HP Shots to kill Time to kill (Body) Time to kill (Crit)
Light 150 3 0.78 0.11
Medium 250 5 1.56 0.78
Heavy 350 6 1.67 0.89
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.



FeatIcon Ranged.png Ranged — Strikes targets by aiming and firing at them from a distance.

FeatIcon Automatic Fire.png Automatic Fire — Continues to fire automatically until the trigger is released.

FeatIcon Burst Fire.png Burst Fire — Always throws two knives at a time in the standard attack.

FeatIcon Attack Sequence.png Attack Sequence — Has a consistent pattern of attacks.

FeatIcon Alternate Attack.png Alternate Attack — Has an alternate attack that throws a single, high-damage knife after a long windup.

FeatIcon Stable Accuracy.png Stable Accuracy — Keeps a stable accuracy, even while moving and going airborne.

FeatIcon Infinite Ammo.png Infinite Ammo — Does not need to reload.


FeatIcon Projectile.png Projectile — Gets affected by gravity and has a travel time.

FeatIcon Critical Hit.png Critical Hit — Critically hits on headshots, applying a damage multiplier.

FeatIcon Sound Cue.png Sound Cue — Knives that miss will fall to the ground and produce a loud metal clattering noise.

FeatIcon Minor Structure Damage.png Minor Structure Damage — Damages structures. Takes a very long time to break a concrete wall.

FeatIcon Interceptible.png Not Interceptible — Can not be removed by the APS Turret.

FeatIcon High Range Falloff.png No Falloff — Does not deal reduced damage when hitting targets at long distances.



  • The Throwing Knives' stable accuracy enables a high-movement playstyle with lots of moving and jumping, making it harder for the target to retaliate.
  • The Throwing Knives have no downtime, unlike most other ranged weapons.


  • The movement arc of the Throwing Knives makes them very difficult to hit at longer distances.
    • However, if the user manages to hit at long range, there is no damage drop-off as there would be for most guns.


  • A Throwing Knives user should attempt to step in and out of combat to safely be able to deal damage, approaching opponents from unexpected angles so that they cannot retaliate.
  • Since the Throwing Knives have a stable accuracy, it pairs well with the Evasive Dash.

Item Mastery

Item mastery XP can be earned by damaging and eliminating opponents with the Throwing Knives.

Each time a certain XP threshold is reached, the item levels up. This does not improve the item, but rewards a unique item customization.

XP Breakdown
Source XP Reward
Damage dealt by the Throwing Knives 0.2 × Damage Dealt
Critical damage dealt by the Throwing Knives 0.2 × Critical Damage Dealt
Opponent eliminated by the Throwing Knives 50
Assist on an opponent damaged by the Throwing Knives 20
Level 1
Throwing Knives Rank 1.png
0 XP
Throwing Knives
Level 2
Throwing Knives Rank 2.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Yellow)
Level 3
Throwing Knives Rank 3.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Blue)
Level 4
Throwing Knives Rank 4.png
36,000 XP
Dye Job (Red)
Level 5
Throwing Knives Rank 5.png
54,000 XP
Dye Job (White)
Level 6
Throwing Knives Rank 6.png
162,000 XP
Triangle Twinkle
Level 7
Throwing Knives Rank 7.png
144,000 XP
Striped Grazer
Level 8
Throwing Knives Rank 8.png
136,000 XP
Painted Predator
Level 9
Throwing Knives Rank 9.png
200,000 XP

Weapon Skins



  • The Throwing Knives are modeled after kunai, often associated with traditional Japanese ninja. The actual kunai were used as farming tools. The exaggeration persistent in ninja myths played a role in creating the pop culture image of kunai.


  • Fixed an issue where the Recurve Bow and Throwing Knives could stop sending updates to the server, causing them to look like they were firing when they actually were not
  • Fixed an issue with the Throwing Knives where the player’s arms could end up in a locked state after using the secondary attack
  • The Throwing Knives secondary attack can now be held, only triggering when the button is released, rather than automatically. During this stance, the player moves at the normal run speed and cannot sprint
  • Fixed an issue where Throwing Knives and arrows could be floating in front of players using the Riot Shield
  • Decreased the fire rate of the primary fire from 125rpm to 107rpm
  • Decreased damage from 63 to 60
  • Decreased projectile speed of primary attacks from 16.5 m/s to 14.75 m/s
  • Decreased projectile air drag of primary attacks from 7.5 to 7, allowing the projectile to travel farther
  • Increased projectile speed of secondary attacks from 13.8 m/s to 18.5 m/s
  • Increased projectile air drag of secondary attacks from 4 to 5.5, increasing the speed at which the projectile slows down
  • Removed an exploit where animation canceling allowed certain weapons, such as FAMAS, Throwing Knives, R93, to be fired at a much higher rate than intended
  • Reduced the delay before the first projectile spawns from 0.22s to 0.11s to make the attacks more responsive
  • Reduced the delay between the first and second projectile spawning from 0.15s to 0.11s to make it easier to land both knives on a moving target
  • Increased the initial projectile speed from 138m/s to 166m/s, increasing the weapon’s precision
  • Increased the primary attack damage from 60 to 63
  • Increased projectile speed from 120m/s to 138m/s
  • Fixed a bug where the character's arms would clip each other when wielding throwing knives
  • Decreased the amount of projectile dispersion applied when falling
  • Decreased the amount of projectile dispersion applied when sprinting
  • Added new trail effects to make the projectiles easier to see
  • Shortened the lifetime of Knives stuck in metal surfaces
  • Throwing Knives will now have the correct skin when thrown
  • Introduced Throwing Knives to the Light archetype
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