

Grenades are a type of throwable gadget in THE FINALS. All grenades are listed below:


Pressing the keybind for the corresponding gadget slot will equip the grenade. Using "Primary Fire" will throw the grenade at full speed in the direction that the user is aiming, known as an overhand throw. Using "Secondary Fire" will drop the grenade at the user's feet, known as an underhand throw.

While holding the keybind to throw/drop a grenade, a blue indicator will appear that shows the expected trajectory of the grenade. A small blue sphere appears where the grenade is expected to land.


Grenade trajectories are affected by the "Low Gravity" Game Show Event.

The APS Turret will destroy any and all grenades that enter its radius.

It is important to note that the Pyro Grenade, Goo Grenade, and Motion Sensor will instantly detonate as soon as they touch a surface, while all other grenades rely on a timed fuse and may bounce a number of times before detonating.

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